Call for Book Reviews
Our journal particularly interested in book reviews about migration and diaspora. In our next issue, you can review a book either from the listed books below or other related books
Call for Papers
Dear Authors, You are cordially invited to submit your research papers for the fourth volume of the Turkish Journal of Diaspora Studies (TJDS). TJDS aims to provide a medium for
Call for Book Reviews
Our journal particularly interested in book reviews about migration and diaspora. In our next issue, you can review a book either from the listed books below or other related books
Göçler Çağı
GÖÇLER ÇAĞI MODERN DÜNYADA ULUSLARARASI NÜFUS HAREKETLERİ “Bu kitap uluslararası göçün insanlık tarihinde bir sapma değil, aksine süregelen bir durum olduğunu savunmaktadır. Nüfus hareketleri daima ekonomik dönüşümlere, teknolojik değişime, demografik