The aim of the Combating Islamophobia Research Center (İDMAM), which was established under the Migration Research Foundation, is to examine the origins and different aspects of Islamophobia from the west to the east. In this context, İDMAM aims to develop a different perspective on Islamophobia, to map Islamophobia, to raise a voice against Islamophobia, and to offer policy makers suggestions and ideas for combating Islamophobia.
Although the period after the September 11 attacks in the United States of America has a large place in the widely used historical narrative about Islamophobia, actions and events against Islam and Muslims date back to much earlier than this process. From this point of view, the Combating Islamophobia Research Center (İDMAM), which was established under the Migration Research Foundation, aims to examine the origin and different aspects of Islamophobia from the west to the east. In this context, İDMAM aims to develop a different perspective on Islamophobia, to map Islamophobia, to raise a voice against Islamophobia, and to offer policy makers suggestions and ideas for combating Islamophobia. In addition, as a think tank, the Migration Research Foundation aims to raise awareness on this issue and to train experts who will work in this field and contribute to Muslim societies to live in more peaceful and tolerant circumstances.