Migration movements, as a global issue today, affect a very wide geography, especially the countries of origin and destination. Thus, the concept of migration becomes a policy determining factor in the international arena with its political, cultural, economic and social dimensions. Turkey has also been a country whose citizens have migrated to different regions of the world, especially Western European countries since the 1950s. Over time, Turkish citizens living in different parts of the world have constituted a diasporic society by creating different and permanent areas with their social relations, political participation and commercial potential. This society still maintains its ties with its homeland and the Foundation closely follows the problems faced by this society in Turkey, from public services to social and cultural issues. The Foundation aims to generate solutions to eliminate these problems, to carry out studies on asylum and migration areas in Turkey based on the experiences of our society abroad, and to support social participation policies. In this context, the field of work of the Migration Research Foundation (GAV), which was established in 2010, is primarily the Turkish society living abroad. This society's - language and culture accumulation, - social, cultural and political issues, - participation, integration and assimilation policies of the countries they live in are the subjects discussed.